I collected goodnight phone messages from strangers. I posted the following advertisement in the strictly platonic part of the personals section: “leave me a goodnight voicemail before you go to sleep at night as though we have been together for years. i will listen to it before i go to sleep.” My goal was to use technology to create an unexpectedly intimate scenario, at once alienating and tender. Later, I created an installation piece where the voices play on a phone. Every time you hang up the phone and pick it back up again, a new voice begins to play. In this sense, you get to choose who you want to listen to, thereby participating in this pseudo-audition process.
Craigslist ad: I collected voicemails from strangers using this ad. When you pick up the phone, their messages begin to play.
Installation view: Galerie BOHAI, Hannover, Germany, 2016. Photo by Henner Rosenkranz.
Installation View: TIFF Photo Festival, Wroclaw, Poland, 2018
Installation view: Convention Center, Providence RI, 2013
Installation view: Convention Center, Providence RI, 2013
Installation view: Convention Center, Providence RI, 2013
Installation view: Convention Center, Providence RI, 2013. Photo by Maya Krinsky.
Installation view: Convention Center, Providence RI, 2013. Photo by Maya Krinsky.